Well after 14 months we were able to finally meet up in person. Because of Covid it was outdoors and limited to 50 people (we had 51, don’t tell). It was cold but so fun too!

Our Unsung Hero this year was Thora. A rule for the unsung Hero is that they cannot be a Board member and I think this is the first year Thora was not on the Board in over a decade!
Challenge Blocks for quilts of valor
At our meeting we voted on the best challenge blocks. 30 blocks came in and there were five winners as nobody did a block with hand quilting. Donna P won for best machine quilting, Carol Ast is holding the two winning blocks for Carol Bowery. Donna B won for best embellished and Karen G. won for best pieced,

We named the three Opportunity Quilts:
Dream Catcher

Midnight Prairie

Southwest Harvest

Thank you to the five people who signed up to help me sell raffle tickets. do you have preferences as to which quilt we should use for the raffle, as an advertising and prize quilt for the auction and which would do best in the auction? Let me know in the comments.
Thank you too for the 19 People who signed up to help with the Auction. Expect meetings to start in early August. I forgot to mention it at the meeting but I have auction donation forms. This year they are only half a page, the same for live and silent auction and you only need to make 1 copy per article. You can print them from here:
And then there was Show and Tell
All picture captions are made from faulty memory so if I have names or facts wrong please let me know in the comments and I will correct the errors.
Donna B finished this after 14 years and it is all hand quiltedJanet M quilted this over the weekend Jeanne A made this improv piece with some of her hand dyed fabrics and the motto if it is too big wack some off and if too small add a piece on. Jill Q made this for her brother who is a veteran Joanne R. enlarged an applique pattern and place it on the half mountain quilt she made years ago at Gail’s workshop. She says she does not recommend appliqueing on a quilt. Too hard on the fingers. I think Joey H said that this quilt had too many Y seams for her taste and she is glad it is finished Maggie, a new members made this lovely quilt I do not recall who made this but that it was a mystery quilt This was a friendship quilt made for Phyllis M (new member) by her old guild. She had so many houses they went into the border and on the back on the quilt Rhonda C. loves bears but didn’t realize this was collage not applique, she wants help on how to finish it off into a quilt. Sheryl McC. made this table runner with raw edge scraps she was gifted. It is matchstick quilted on duponi silk. Thora S. likes English piecing but feels she may have gone a little too far in shrinking this pattern 46%—she ended up with a lot of 3/8th inch units and well over eleven thousand pieces in the quilt
Nice job Elizabeth😊
Great job Elizabeth!
Love all the quilts! So beautiful.
Very nice!
Great pics. Almost felt like I was there. Love the original quilt divided into three quilts, all 3 are lovely. Show and tell was awesome. Look forward to meeting new members.
Great job everyone. So sorry that I wasn’t able to come to the party.
A special thank you to Elizabeth for sharing!
Good job of photos. But the log cabin was made and quilted by Donna Baker.
Thanks Donna I have now corrected the name. thanks
Lovely to see the pictures and relive the fun evening. If I remember Thora’s comments correctly, there are over 11,000 pieces in her quilt…quite a feat to complete!!
thank you for that memory jog. I will correct my number. E
Love the pictures. I enjoyed the meeting. Good to see everyone.