July 2024 to June2025
Executive Board
- President: Jani Bones
- 1st Vice President: Jill Quinn
- 2nd Vice President: Susan Barclay
- Secretary: Joni Walters
- Treasurer: Martha Staib
Standing Committee
- Community Quilts: Dawn F & Karen G
- Door Prizes: Cindy P.
- Peer Education: Cindy U.
- Historian: Janet M.
- Hospitality: Suzanne S.
- Librarian: Lori I.
- Membership: Dawn F.
- Newsletter: Linda H.
- Parliamentarian: Debbie W.
- Publicity: Jill Q.
- Scholarships: Nancy H. C.
- SCCQG Representative: Lois K.
- Webmaster: Elizabeth R.
Special Committee
- Airing of the Quilts: Tanja P.
- Block of the Month: Lisa H.
- Free Table: Dawn F.
- Guild Challenge: Tanja P.
- Holiday Quilt Auction: Jessie B.
- Opportunity Quilt:
- Sunshine: Joan R.
- Yes Mam Quilt: Dawn S
Links to Guild Activities