Community quilts members decided to send 25 more quilts to the Redding Sew-ciety Quilt Guild helping them achieve their goal of giving a quilt to every household who lost a home in the Carr Fire. 1079 homes were lost in the Carr fire. Many thanks to Debbie W. for transporting the quilts to Redding as she travels to Oregon. Redding Sew-ciety distributed 160 quilts to fire victims on September 15th according to our contact person, Lori Johnson. She said there were many tears and hugs shared by all.
We will also be donating 6 quilts to the Assistance League for their youngest clients in SLO county. Thank you, Roxie P., for making this connection happen.
Just heard from Debbie and she met up with the representative in Redding and the quilts have been delivered! Thanks so much Debbie!